
句子 > 祝福语 >


2024-07-19 英语祝福短信




1、Let's come together on this National Day to celebrate our common values and aspirations.

2、May the spirit of patriotism and national pride be stronger than ever on this National Day!

3、May our country always shine and stand tall – happy National Day!

4、Celebrate the beauty and diversity of our nation on this National Day!

5、Cheers to China and its bright future! Happy National Day!

6、Here's to the greatness and success of China on its National Day!

7、Let's celebrate the beauty and diversity of our great nation on this National Day with pride and joy.

8、May our country be filled with peace, prosperity, and happiness on National Day and always!

9、On this National Day, let's remember the bravery and sacrifice of those who have fought to preserve our freedom, and renew our commitment to the challenges yet to come.

10、Enjoy the festivities and cherish the memories on this National Day!

11、Let's raise the flag and celebrate our nation's freedom on this National Day!

12、Happy National Day to all the proud citizens of China, let us foster harmony and progress!

13、Happy National Day China! Let's come together and make this a day to remember.

14、Wishing you a day full of festivity and merriment on National Day!

15、Happy National Day! Let's work towards a brighter future for ourselves and our children.

16、Happy National Day to the most beautiful nation in the world!

17、I am proud to be a citizen of my country on National Day and always!

18、Happy National Day! Let's celebrate the resilience and perseverance of our great nation.


19、May the spirit of National Day fill us with a sense of pride and a desire to work towards a common goal.

20、Wishing you a wonderful National Day filled with pride and happiness!

21、Let's take a moment to reflect on China's journey and accomplishments over the years. Happy National Day!

22、Happy National Day! May this day bring joy and happiness to you and your loved ones.

23、Let's take a moment to appreciate the great accomplishments that China has achieved over the years. Happy National Day!

24、May the spirit of democracy and fairness always reign in our nation on this National Day and always! 愿民主和公正的精神在国庆节和永远都占据我们国家的统治地位!

25、Here's wishing you all a happy National Day with lots of love and patriotism.

26、May your National Day be filled with joy and happiness.

27、Happy National Day to the land of harmony and unity!

28、On this National Day, let's renew our commitment to providing quality education and knowledge to all our citizens, and empowering them to achieve their full potential. 在这个国庆节上,让我们重申为所有公民提供优质教育和知识、赋予他们实现全部潜力的承诺。

29、Let us honor our country and its people with love and respect on National Day!

30、Let's continue to strive for progress, peace, and prosperity on this National Day. Happy National Day!

31、May the love and unity we share as a nation continue to thrive – happy National Day!

32、Let us work together to build a more sustainable and prosperous China on National Day and always!

33、Here's to a brighter future and a joyful National Day!

34、Let’s celebrate our country’s progress and prosperity on National Day.

35、Let's wave our national flag high and proud on this National Day!

36、Celebrating this special day with you, Happy National Day!


37、Proud to be a part of this diverse and amazing country!

38、Wishing you a memorable and joyous National Day celebration!

39、Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and blessed National Day full of peace and joy! 祝您和您的亲人国庆节快乐、祝福无限、和平和欢乐!

40、Happy National Day to the land of peace, harmony, and stability! 祝福和平、和谐和稳定的国家国庆节快乐!

41、Always proud to be a citizen of this amazing and patriotic nation!

42、Let's celebrate our country's heritage, culture, and traditions on this National Day with pride and joy.

43、May this National Day be a symbol of new beginnings and fresh starts!

44、May your National Day be filled with pride, love, and patriotism!

45、On this National Day, let's celebrate the achievements of our country, and strive for greater progress and development!

46、Let's celebrate the freedom and unity of our great nation on this National Day with pride, joy, and gratitude.

47、Let's celebrate the unity and diversity of China on this National Day!

48、Happy 71st National Day Anniversary!

49、Happy National Day to my fellow patriots! Let's make our country proud today and always.

50、Happy National Day to all the brave men and women who defend our country!

51、Happy National Day! Let's honor our country's heritage and culture, and look forward to a brighter, more inclusive future.

52、On this National Day, let's cherish all that our country stands for and strive for an even better future.

53、Let's cherish our country, honor our heroes, and celebrate our unity on this National Day.

54、Happy National Day to everyone who loves and cherishes this country as much as I do!


55、Best wishes on this special day! May the national spirit of harmony and unity be strong.

56、Wishing the people of China a very happy National Day. Let's walk together hand in hand for our country!

57、Let us stand tall and proud as we celebrate National Day together!

58、May the spirit of unity and togetherness make us even stronger on this National Day!

59、Happy National Day! Let's remember the hard work and perseverance that have brought us to this point, and recommit ourselves to the challenges ahead.

60、Let's take this day to honor our past, invest in our present, and secure our future. Happy National Day!

61、Let's celebrate the progress we've made as a nation, and the work yet to be done, on this National Day with pride and joy.

62、Let's celebrate the land of the free and the home of the brave on this National Day.

63、May the National Day inspire us to work together for the betterment of our country and society as a whole. 愿国庆节激励我们共同为祖国和全社会的发展而努力奋斗。

64、Let's show the world what makes us proud citizens of this great nation on this National Day!

65、Let's take a moment to thank all the heroes who have sacrificed for our country on this National Day!

66、Let us honor the spirit of sacrifice and commitment that defines our nation on this National Day and always! 让我们在国庆节和永远都纪念定义我们国家的牺牲和奉献的精神!

67、On this National Day, let's take a moment to remember and honor those who have sacrificed for our freedom.

68、Let's celebrate the National Day with joy and pride, remembering the courage, sacrifice and bravery of our forefathers. 让我们在国庆节上以欢乐和自豪纪念我们先辈的勇气、牺牲和勇敢。

69、May the blessings of freedom and democracy continue to shine on our nation on National Day!

70、Let's celebrate our nation with pride and honor on this National Day and showcase to the world the greatness of China!





