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做任何事,若仅有利于己而无益于人,终将后悔,甚至遗憾终生。如果你对“英语哲理句子唯美短句”有任何困惑下面的解答都会给你答案,衷心感谢您的支持和鞭策让我们取得了这么大的成绩。每天都有令人着迷的语言表达让我们情不自禁地沉醉其中,优美的句子让我们看到生活的色彩感受到心灵的纯洁。 阅读这篇文章,仿佛带我去到一处安静而舒适的地方。


1、If successful, it is readily available to lose; if not, will want to occupy.

2、       一只死老鼠,弄赃粥一锅。 A dead mouse gets the dirty porridge in a pot.

3、The worlds lingering,the end is still no match for the forget the bitter oligonucleotide soup。

4、       人要衣服,佛要金装。 Clothes make the man.Wei890.Com

5、Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don't get married, love is dead have no resting-place.

6、We are all too young, a lot of things don't yet know, don't put the.


8、Ken for a man to pretend to be, is perhaps the most subtle love and sacrifice, smiling in tears.

9、爱是幸福的生活的锁匙, love is the key to happiness

10、Because it is not easy so we should be more to cherish, when I don't want to lose to know.

11、 Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go,and still you had the feeling that you wanted to stay?

12、       不知自爱的人也不会爱别人。 He that knows not love himself will not love others.

13、Trying to please other people is largely a futile activity。

14、If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars茹菓只遈遇见,吥能停畱,吥茹吥遇见.


16、无知识的人,其生命如同无叶子的树,缺少勃勃生机。The life of an ignorant man is like a leafless tree, lacking vitality.

17、如果花开了,就喜欢;如果花落了,就放弃。因为风景,不是因为你,陪你在路上充满欢乐。If it blossoms,I will love; if not,give up. I just accompany u merrily for the sake of scenery not for you.

18、Hate, can provoke a dispute, love, can cover up all fault.

19、Fading is true while flowering is past感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然

20、       向乞丐乞讨,永远不会发财。 Beg from beggars and you39;ll never be rich.

21、sometimes the best way to get someones attention, is to stop giving them yours——有时,让他人心疼你的较好方法,便是不那麼在意她们。


22、爱协助我们在时事热点艰辛的过程中维持沉着冷静,平静的心态。 love helps us stay calm and serene even when things are tough.

23、 The traveller has to knock at every alien door to come to his own, and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine at the end.

24、下课要去买东西上厕所,一定会叫人陪否则绝对不去。关于爱情的哲理 英语句子唯美

25、whereever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 无论去哪,无论天气怎么样,一定还记得携带自个的太阳

26、 One day,you will be passed down the hope. 在未来,你会将希望延续下去。

27、时尚英语i acted like it wasnt a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart。我假装一切都不在乎,尽管我已身心疲惫

28、Love her, don't give her want to chance. Because you never know how for you want to love you.

29、爱是彻底达到于日常生活的给与。 and being totally delighted with what life gives you.

30、life is great, not in knowledge, but in can.人生伟业的建立 ,不在能知,乃在能行。

31、       快乐的时光过得快。 Happy time flies.

32、they who have conquered doubt and fear have conquered failure.战胜了顾虑和害怕,就战胜了不成功

33、Those beautiful fish, they sleep also with your eyes open. Don't need love, also never cry. They are my role model.

34、       得寸进尺。 Push one39;s luck.

35、       年轻人懒惰,总是贫穷。 A lazy youth,a lousy age.

36、       活在后人心里,虽然死而犹生。 To live in the hearts of the dead is to live.

37、The flower seeds in the ground,one season fragrant; Fragrance of flower seeds in the heart.-把花种在地上,得一季芬芳;把花种在心上,得一世芬芳。

38、通向恋人家中的路总不容易悠长。the road to a lovers house is never long.

39、When you love a person, you will realize tattoos he is in your heart, deep in your heart forever.



42、Wake up everyday stronger than yesterday face your fear and wipe your tears 每天醒来都要比前一天更强大,直视自己的畏惧,擦干自己的泪水。


43、Want to go faster, go alone; if you want to go further, please go hand in hand.

44、Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited.


46、 I am I, is not the same as the color of fireworks. 我就是我,是颜色不一样的烟火。

47、Don't eat a woman in this world and perhaps several, not jealous of the woman but there is not even one.

48、 Legend says, when you can't sleep at night, it's because you are awake in someone else's dream.

49、play an ax before luban 班门弄斧

50、       坐井观天。 A narrow view of the world.

51、       狗在家门前凶猛。 Every dog is valiant at his own door.

52、我心因为你而笑。you make my heart smile.



55、我从来不自欺欺人。我只看真实。I never told you. I only see the truth.

56、Everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason. If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are. 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

57、幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one’s hand.It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eatwhen you are hungry or having someone’s love when you need love.

58、Only the selflecan be fearless. 无私才能无畏.

59、anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new 从未犯过问题的人,你不要寄希望于他有一切造就

60、你可以放心,俄罘会假装可怜,留着你。Multitudinous can be assured that Russia Fu will pretend to stay multitudinous pitiful.

61、there is a sufficiency in the world for mans need but not for mans greed 这世界能满足你的全部要求,但达到不了你的贪婪

62、       大腹便便,头脑空虚。" Big belly,empty head."

63、       勇士的表情胜过懦夫的剑。 A warrior39;s look is better than a coward39;s sword.

64、       喜形于色。 Show your face.





