
句子 > 唯美句子 >



“Now people are beginning to realize。”唯美句子小编给大家分享了一些有关英语好词佳句摘抄的最新研究成果。珍贵的语言不仅传达了思维还能够唤起人性的本真,优美的句子流畅自然打动了读者最柔软的情感。让人不禁很是欣赏。每个人都有自己的闪光点发掘并展现出来!

1、As long as you live, live in the best way.只要还活着,就要以最好的方式活下去。

2、The answer to this problem involves many factors.

3、The show is supposed to be good、这场表演应当是相当好的。

4、"Curiosity killed the cat." - 好奇心害死猫。

5、At first, I was busy for my dream, and then I was so busy that I forgot my dream.开始为了梦想而忙,后来忙得忘了梦想。

6、[误] I like English, and I don’t like math.

7、There are two kinds of strangers, those who don't know and those who pretend not to know.陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。


9、had a toddler at home and two other children at school.(我有一个刚学步的孩子在家中,另外两个孩子在学校。)

10、We are now entering a new era which calls for……

11、It may give rise to a host of problems.


13、Caterpillars change into butterflies.(毛虫变成蝴蝶。)

14、If before 100 years I could meet you, now I've grown old. I hope I'm an old man.

15、Leo made it sound so easy. But it wasn't.(利奥把这事说得好像挺简单,其实不是那么回事。)

16、Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation.现在,人们普遍认为没有一所大学能够在毕业时候教给学生所有的知识。

17、This way。 这边请。

18、If you live a busy and full life, you won't feel bored.活得忙碌,活得充实,就不会有无聊的感觉。



21、It is a hard nut to crack.这是一件棘手的事情

22、Obviously,if we ignore the problem,it is likely……

23、She's such a snob!(她竟是这样一个势利眼!)

24、To change your destiny, you must first change yourself.要改变命运,首先要改变自己。


26、Such comments are just inviting trouble.(这种评论简直是在自找麻烦。)

27、They are staffed by volunteers.(他们的员工都是志愿者。)

28、Don't walk into spring because there is no sunshine.不要因为没有阳光,而不走进春天。


30、Not bad. 还不错。


32、What a happy trip!

33、at the front of = in front of, in the front of, at the back of


35、yesterday, today, tomorrow, then,



38、You hold my field, I hold your field, this is a good friend.你捧我的场,我捧你的场,这是好朋友。

39、Life is not like a dream, because it is too real.回忆蔓延着脑海,心跳却漏掉了一拍。

40、I know the world, but I don't know your heart.我知道天下事,却独独不知道你的心。

41、It's hard to live without money; Money without health is more bitter to live!没钱,活着很苦;有钱没健康,活着更苦!

42、The school will arrange several buses to take us there.

43、Now people are beginning to realize

44、Wandering all over the world, just to forget, don't ask the date of return.浪迹天涯,只为忘记,不问归期。

45、at 6:30 p.m.= at half past six in the afternoon

46、Sometimes, people are crying, not because of weak, but because they strong too long!有时候,人们之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们坚强了太久。

47、A strong man is not what he conquers, but what he can bear.强大的人不是征服什么,而是能承受什么。

48、Prices will increase pro rata.(价格将相应提高。)

49、Changing yourself will be painful, but not changing yourself will suffer.改变自己会痛苦,但不改变自己会吃苦。

50、Treat me with a cassock and let you fall in love.待我一身袈裟,许你相思放下。

51、That's all I need.

52、I chase you, but I have the perseverance to fill the sea with Jingwei.我追你,可是有精卫填海的毅力。

53、You can't say too much. You can't say too much.话不能说的太满,话说太绝,难以圆通。

54、If you fight alone, there will be no chaos.一个人孤军奋战,就不会有兵荒马乱。

55、at home, at school,

56、Massage will help the pain.(按摩能减轻疼痛。)





