
句子 > 唯美句子 >



“       人要衣服,佛要金装。 Clothes make the man.” 优美的句子引导我们进入书中的世界,看完之后心灵获得提升。是否还在寻找能表达优美的句子呢?"在英文版唯美名言知识合集唯美句子小编的指引下发现知识的无限可能",做一个乐观积极的人才能看到真正的美好和可能性!


1、       勇者天佑。 Fortune favours the bold.


3、       最会饶舌的人也是最会撒谎的人。 The greatest talker is also the greatest liar.

4、woman, want to be a man first, must be to want to become his one and only.

5、Bad news has wings. 坏事传千里。

6、Unrequited love is a kind of completely lonely, have a heart, there is happiness, but, more often, is a person's sad.

7、Boys say the meaning of “love you forever”, means that allow you to have children, he is free.

8、       疏忽招贼。 Neglect is the thief39;s thief.

9、 Ability is not high enough to understand, character is not good enough to make do with.能力不高可以理解,人品不好无法将就。

10、Loyal to love is not equal to lost in love, not to say that to live is to love more.

11、 Did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go,and still you had the feeling that you wanted to stay?

12、Minutes bus minutes, subway, we love, lifetime only this class!

13、Marriage is like playing basketball, attack, defense, sometimes even false action.

14、如果花开了,就喜欢;如果花落了,就放弃。因为风景,不是因为你,陪你在路上充满欢乐。If it blossoms,I will love; if not,give up. I just accompany u merrily for the sake of scenery not for you.

15、I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty.Empty what's full.Scratch where it itches.

16、       草是另一边的绿色。 The grass is green on the other side.

17、       博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥想苦想使人深刻而深刻,论证阐述使人头脑清晰。 Reading makes a full man,meditation a profound man,discourse a clear man.


18、       天有意想不到的风云,人有旦夕祸福。 Every dog has his day.

19、       三思而行,再思可也。 Think twice before you act.

20、下辈子我要做你的心,至少我不跳你就得死。"My next life I want your heart,at least I do not jump you have to die. "

21、When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time,my world blossoms.第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界瞬间绽放。


23、 Life is not always what we want it to be. We fight. We cry. And sometimes, we give up. But in our hearts, we know it's still love.


25、       没有别人的统治,就不能很好地统治别人。 You cannot rule well without having been ruled by others.

26、       天行其道。 Heaven has its way.

27、Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don't get married, love is dead have no resting-place.

28、 Be cool ,be good.To be someone else's dream is out of reach.要酷,要优秀,要成为别人的可望不可及。

29、幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one’s hand.It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eatwhen you are hungry or having someone’s love when you need love.

30、Byron: I am never away from you.Even now,I shall not leave you.In another land,I shall be still that one who loves you,loves you beyond measure beyond measure.

31、请对自己好一点,因为受伤了,没人会心疼。"Make yourself a little better,because of injuries,and no one will feel bad "

32、don't know a person's life can have how many ten years can give another person?

33、       坐失良机必有忧患。 A lost opportunity is a lost opportunity.



35、 No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. 不管发生什么,不管今天看起来多么糟糕,生活都会继续,明天会更好。

36、One day I will silently walk away from you, without any sound. You missed a lot, I always one sad.

37、美好的日子给你带来快乐,阴暗的日子给你带来经验。所以,不要对生命中的任何一天怀有遗憾。 Never regret a day in your life.Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience.

38、       爱情和交易可以培养口才。 Love and business teach eloquence.

39、       人要衣服,佛要金装。 Clothes make the man.

40、Actually I wanted to say on that day,Shall we never get apart,OK?

41、       智者寡于言。 Great minds have little to say.

42、 l love you more & more each day as time gose by.

43、 Every single one of them.Is my ocean.I believe that they will all come across each other somewhere.Storing my emotion and past.At the same time silent as ever.


45、       不仅要吃饼,还要保存饼。 You cannot eat your cake and have it.

46、Quiet enjoy his moment of a person, is so lonely, so lonely.

47、       益友难得。 A good friend is seldom found.

48、       朋友像琴弦,不能太紧。 Friends are like fiddle-strings,they must not be screwed too tight.

49、 I truly respect the people who stay strong even when they have every right to break down. 我真的尊重那些即使完全有理由崩溃却依然坚强的人。







