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2024-05-19 晚安英语文案


Sweet dreams!  甜蜜的梦!晚安!编辑特意为大家收集整理了《晚安文案短句干净治愈系英语》,阅读完毕后请考虑把这个网页添加到收藏夹中。晚上能够给人们带来一种释然感,我们在晚上经常变得更加感性,同时也需要有人送上一些慰问。晚安心语可以帮助我们放松身心从而获取更优良的睡眠质量。

1、I've given you the happiness you want. Jesus can't stop me! good night!

2、All disappointment comes from I thought..

3、I will treat you like a cherry in summer. good night!

4、You are my spring and autumn dream hidden under my pillow year after year. good night!

5、Home is where you are. good night!

6、Distant dream up a lamp, a desire to listen to my voice, I hope your life no scars, I wish you peace another one-way trip, I wish you all filled with beautiful dreams, I wish you a good dream tonight!

7、Smile can be the past thing, why do it make people all know. good night!

8、All things are renewed, old diseases are healed, and Changan is safe.


10、I don't want much, only you. I'll give you everything I have. good night!

11、Just because you are so beautiful that I can't tell you that I love you. good night!

12、The whole year is full of grand scenery, and my heart is full of joy, just because I met you.

13、man falls in love through his eyes, a an too perfect to be really true? Do I ething you do爱不是靠感觉,而是靠行动。

14、hearing you say good night to me every night is the simplest and the most lasting happiness i h*e.


16、Those places that I will go are my hometown that I have never met before. good night!

17、It's only interesting to be in love with you. good night!

18、Love is strange and mysterious..Just like Jelly beans..爱是陌生而且神秘的..就像Jelly beans(软糖豆)一样。

19、May the world become a sea, and may you and I return to our first sight. good night!

20、Enter my lovesickness door, know my lovesickness bitterness.

21、You are the only person I love. good night!

22、Adults all over the world, children of one person. good night!

23、Call me if you can't sleep, I will accompany you against the night、good night!

24、The reason for looking forward to the heavy snow is to walk to the white head with you. good night!

25、Behind the clouds are the bright afterglow of the sun and sparkling fairy tales. good night!

26、I wish you a good sleep and a good dream. good night!

27、At the beginning of the school, I would like to learn from left to right.

28、There are many beauties in the world, but you are my favorite. good night!


30、I like that you are not only ambitious, but also a thief、good night!

31、I can't share your happiness.

32、The filial son in the world is easy to seek, and the kind grandchildren in the family are rare.

33、In my barren land, you are the last rose. good night!

34、Anyway, sooner or later, they are all registered in the same household register. good night!

35、Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. ent of a happy lovers hour is worth an age of dull and common life.一段恋爱时光的每一刻让一个平淡无奇的生活变得有意义。

36、It's OK to quit smoking and alcohol, but you can't. good night!





